Homeopathy, Placebo?
Nope. Take a closer look.

“Homeopathy is science, it is physics. If we are at all honest, if we follow the equations, we cannot say that homeopathy is not scientific.”
Professor researcher Marc Henry, Quantum physics. Strasbourg University.  From the film La Science de l’Homéopathie, available on Youtube.


Modern technology completely defeats this other fallacy. A high homeopathic dilution is much more than sugar and water. Nuclear magnetic resonance, Raman spectroscopy, solvatochromic inks all agree on this. Three different and modern technologies that arrive at the same conclusions: pure water and water that contains a homeopathic remedy, even if diluted several times, are not the same.

Van Wassenhoven M, et al., «Nuclear Magnetic Resonance characterization of traditional homeopathically-manufactured copper (Cuprum Metallicum) and a plant (Gelsemium Sempervirens) medecines and controls», Homeopathy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2018.08.001

SarkarT et al (2015), «Vibrational and Raman spectroscopy provide further evidence of free OH groups and hydrogen bond strength underlying difference in two more drugs at ultrahigh dilutions», Int J High Dilution Res. 2015;15(3): 2-10

Cartwright SJ. (2016) «Solvatochromic dyes detect the presence of homeopathic potencies», Homeopathy 2016; 105: 55-65



Article : L’homéopathie n’est pas un placebo

Article : New Evidence for Homeopathy

More scientific references.

[1]Marzotto M, Bonafini C, Olioso D, Baruzzi A, Bettinetti L, Di Leva F, et al. (2016) «Arnica montana Stimulates Extracellular Matrix Gene Expression in a Macrophage Cell LineDifferentiated to Wound-Healing Phenotype» PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166340. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166340

[2]Sainte-Laudy J, Belon P. (1991), «Biological activity of ultra low doses. II. Result of ultra low doses of histamine on human basophil degranulation triggered by anti-IgE», Doutremepuich C (ed). Ultra Low Doses. London, Washington: Taylor & Francis, 1991, pp139e144.

[3]Camerlink et al (2009), «Homeopathy as replacement to antibiotics in the case of Escherichia Coli diarrhea in neonatalpiglets», Homeopathy 2010; 99, 57–62

[4]Endler PC et al (1991),  «Results of highly diluted succussed thyroxin on metamorphosis of highland frogs»,  Berl J ResHom 1991; 1: 151e160.

[5]Lensi et al (2010), «A pilot study of the influence of Natrum muriaticum 6cH and 30cH in a standardized culture of Phaseolus vulgaris L.», Int J High Dilution Res 2010; 9(30): 43-50

[6]Camerlink et al(2009); op. cit.

[7]Endler PC et al. (2015), «Replications of fundamental research models in ultra high dilutions 1994 and 2015 – update on a bibliometrics study», Homeopathy, 2015 Oct;104(4):234-45.

[8]Fournier D. et Taillefer A. (2003). Témoignages des homéopathes et de leur clientèle sur une évaluation qualitative du traitement médical officiel et homéopathique, Montréal, Syndicat Professionnel des homéopathes du Québec, 76 p.

[9]Oberbaum et al (2005), «Homeopathy in Emergency Medicine», Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 155(21-22):491-7

[10]Frass M et al.(2005), «Influence of potassium dichromate on tracheal secretions in critically ill patients», Chest 2005 Mar;127(3):936-41.

[11]Frass M. et al (2005), «Adjunctive homeopathic treatment in patients with severe sepsis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in an intensive care unit», Homeopathy 2005 Apr;94(2):75-80.




[15]Borhöft, G. et P. Matthiessen (eds) (2011). Homeopathy in healthcare – effectiveness, appropriateness, safety, costs, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 234 p.

[16]Mathie RT (2014), «Randomised placebo-controlled trials of individualised homeopathic treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis», Syst Rev. 2014 Dec 6;3:142. doi: 10.1186/2046-4053-3-142.

[17]Hahn RG (2013), «Homeopathy: meta-analyses of pooled clinical data», Forsch Komplementmed 2013;20(5):376-81.

[18]Van Wassenhoven M, et al., «Nuclear Magnetic Resonance characterization of traditional homeopathically-manufactured copper (Cuprum Metallicum) and a plant (Gelsemium Sempervirens) medecines and controls», Homeopathy (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.homp.2018.08.001

[19]SarkarT et al (2015), «Vibrational and Raman spectroscopy provide further evidence of free OH groups and hydrogen bond strength underlying difference in two more drugs at ultrahigh dilutions», Int J High Dilution Res. 2015;15(3): 2-10

[20]Cartwright SJ. (2016) «Solvatochromic dyes detect the presence of homeopathic potencies», Homeopathy 2016; 105: 55-65

[21]Boiron (2018), L’homéopathie en France – faits et chiffres


Certains la croient placébo, pourtant elle soigne les bébés, les animaux domestiques et les troupeaux de fermes,
les plantes, les gens de tout âge, atteints de maladies aiguës ou chroniques, les épidémies, les malades dans le coma…

It cures newborns of accute and chronic diseases. Placebos don’t.

It cures animals of reccuring infections and viruses. Around the world, many veterinarians have turned to homeopathy.

It has a deep curative effect. The effects are global and can be noticed on the physical, physiological and emotional levels. And they last. Placebos don’t do that.

The effects of each of the 2000 remedies are well known, they are extremely precise and they can be clinically reproduced. Not placebos.

Why do some scientists persist in saying its effect is placebo while it is even prescribed to patients who are in a coma which successful results?

It definitely is not placebo, but it certainly is mysterious. As the great homeopath Hering said, the best defence of homeopathy is to experience it.

The effect of each remedy is well known and reproductible. In these terms, homeopathy is a very scientific medecine. But its mystery lies in the lab process of making a homeopathic remedy. What is it that makes the initial plant, mineral or animal substance such a powerful remedy after many dilutions AND succussions?? (The succussions are extremely important in making the remedy.) No one really knows. Maybe someday someone will win a Nobel Prize for elucidating this mystery, but to this day, nobody really knows. The fact remains that these dilutions AND succussions do have a tremendous effect on the initial substance which are turned into powerful and deep acting remedies.

With an honest and objective observation, we can only conclude that it works. And to those whose first concern is the well being of their patients, that’s what matterss. It works.

Science does not yet understand precisely why electricity works, yet, we all depend on it. We would be silly to turn it down because its effect is not scientifically proven. The same goes with homeopathy.

More than 150 000 doctors around the world prescribe homeopathy…WHY?

Have they all gone insane? NO. They have clinically tested and observed the possibilities of homeopathy and they have adopted it for the sake of their patients.

Homeopathy is recognized and encouraged by the World Health Organization. It is practised in 140 countries , in hospitals in England, Ireland, France and India…

©2025 Ingrid Schutt Homéopathe uniciste


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